Category: Early Learning

Articles on early childhood education

Discussions with Dr Edward Melhuish

We are extremely fortunate at Storypark to have the support and guidance of some of the worlds leading experts on child development and early childhood education. One of our advisors is Dr Edward Melhuish. Professor of Human Development at the University of Oxford, Dr Melhuish has been involved in studies that have contributed to the formulation of social policy in the...

/ February 13, 2019

The assumptions, theories and practicalities of room leadership in ECE

Many early learning services operate with various leadership structures that are purposefully designed to help meet certain expectations and benchmarks set forth in quality area seven of the national quality standard. Whilst the process of a leadership structure supports educators to participate as members of a professional team, the realistic practices that are involved in the role of being a...

/ January 29, 2019
child laying in blanket

Self soothing

When you have a child who doesn’t sleep – the words “self-soothe” can make you break into a cold sweat. As the months went on and on and on and my youngest child continued to not sleep, and not sleep – and I went quite mad – I felt like all I ever heard was those two irritating words. He...

/ January 15, 2019

You can hear him in his dancing

I remember the first time someone said: “what’s wrong with your son”. I think my face, turning white, then splotchy red with anger, told him that what he’d said was not the right thing to say. “I just mean…” he said, ignoring my body language, shoulders already carrying me away from him. “Why does he make that noise? How old...

/ December 6, 2018

Can toddlers and under fives really change the world?

We often talk about children in terms of potential. We consider that one day they might do something important, something world-changing, or just be more than they currently are. You see and hear it all the time “he has so much potential” or “One day she will be a community leader”. These are lovely sentiments, and the thought behind them...

/ November 7, 2018

It’s Just a Phase: Oh No!

Somewhere around age two, many toddlers discover the awesome power behind one very short word: “No!” And oh boy, do they love to use it! “Let’s get your coat on; it’s cold.” “No!” “Let’s wash your hands.” “No. No wash!” “I need you to sit down.” “No, no, no!” If you’re hearing a lot of “no” these days, you may...

/ October 26, 2018

It’s Just a Phase! The Negotiator

If your child is somewhere between three and four years old, you have probably noticed her newfound negotiating skills. Maybe your first clue was a bedtime conversation like this: “Let’s get your pyjamas on and I’ll read you a story.” “Two stories – I want two stories.” You’ve always had a deal – pyjamas go on and one story is...

/ September 7, 2018

It’s Just a Phase: The Interrupter

You’re having a catch-up phone conversation with a friend. She’s sharing the nitty-gritty details of her life when your 3-year-old decides he wants to share the nitty-gritty details of his life. “Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom.” You try to shush him, but there’s no stopping the intentional mission of…The Interrupter. With a hint of frustration, your friend asks, “Is this a...

/ August 17, 2018

Chapter books for young children

‘One more chapter! Just one?’ My son was two-and-a-half when he discovered the pleasure of listening to an adult read a chapter book to him, and the corresponding pleasure of begging for ‘just one more’ when that adult came to the end of a section. But we quickly ran into a problem. He was still too little for anything remotely...

/ July 22, 2018

Making Small Feel Tall: The Early Childhood Classroom at a Child’s Eye Level

Imagine being a pint-sized person just under a meter tall. You know, child-size. Now imagine how the world looks from this vantage point: Everything is always (literally) over your head. You can’t look people in the eye.  You have no idea what’s on the shelf or the counter unless someone gives you a boost. You must climb into chairs. And,...

/ July 16, 2018