Tag: NQS

The planning feature on Storypark – so many possibilities
The planning feature on Storypark – what’s possible? More than you may think! After listening to educators around the world, we realised that everyone plans differently and that there could be no one-size-fits-all solution. Based on this feedback we developed a tool that enables educators to create and manage their own planning templates, and plan the way they want. The...

How to grant an assessor access to your Storypark account
Storypark is a valuable tool that can support an effective NQS Assessment and Rating process. Authorised Officers (AO’s) can be invited to access information in Storypark and thereby evidence the great work of your team. This process is accepted by government organisations but needs to be managed well to create a safe/private and effective experience. Here is a guideline to...

Meet compliance requirements and legislation using learning tags
How learning tags help you to meet (and exceed) compliance requirements and legislation Trying to meet compliance requirements and legislation can be challenging! But it can be much easier with the help of learning tags. Meeting the National Quality Standards does not need to be incredibly stressful, or time-consuming. In fact, collecting the evidence that you have met the standards...

Daily Routines – 4 ways Storypark can help you with compliance requirements
Meeting the National Quality Standards requires a lot of work, but the most frustrating thing is, this is work that you are already doing! Yes, you are meeting all of the standards in practice, however, providing evidence that you are indeed meeting the Quality Areas is a whole other kettle of fish. Now, we have some good news and some...

Insights into the updated National Quality Framework 2018
Research shows quality education and care early in life leads to better health, education and employment outcomes later in life. The early years are critical for establishing self-esteem, resilience, healthy growth and capacity to learn. Quality education and care shapes every child’s future and lays the foundation for development and learning. The National Quality Framework (NQF) introduced a new quality...

How Bayside Park Early Education Centre achieved an ‘Exceeding’ NQS rating
The director at Bayside Park Early Education Centre, says “we pride ourselves on our relationships with parents – and feel that our open and honest communication provides a solid foundation for us to work together to support, develop and enjoy each child in our care.” This philosophy is one of the many reasons that Bayside Park were recently awarded an...

Supporting relationships and attachment in the early years
Relationships are broadly defined as the state of being connected or related. This can mean an association by blood or marriage, a kinship or the mutual dealings, connections, or feelings that exist between two parties. It is also recognised as a type of dependence or alliance in the way that we behave or regard one another. When considering the National...

Are we protecting or exposing children?
All children have the right to experience quality care and learning opportunities in an environment that provides for their well-being, health and safety, let’s explore what that really means… So we know that a strong sense of health and wellbeing is supported by good nutrition, an active lifestyle & provides children with the confidence, energy and optimism required for them...

If I didn’t have Storypark I would walk away from teaching
It’s 4.30pm on a Friday afternoon and I finally sit down. The kindy is all packed up and my day and week are finished. It has been a beautiful week, a very busy week, but a good one. As I sit here I begin to reflect, breathe a sigh of relief and a thought pops into my head ‘What on...

Dear Zoo – extending children’s interests is different to extending learning
A child would come to my Kinder room on a Monday morning and be very excited to share their stories about their trip to the Zoo on the weekend. So as a graduate teacher 6 years ago, I was so proud of my efforts in setting up a table with beautiful fabric, a range of animals, and some construction materials...