Tag: Reporting

5 Tips To Get The Most Out Of The Reporting Feature
5 Tips To Get The Most Out Of The Reporting Feature Have you ever wanted to know more about the reports feature but haven’t had a chance to explore its capabilities? We’ve put together 5 handy tips for getting the most out of Storypark’s reports feature. Monitor learning trends and activity at your learning service If you want to better...

This early learning centre now achieves better outcomes than ever before
Tania Gaffey shared her experiences with using Storypark and how Te Puna Reo o Ngā Kākano (an urban-based, kaupapa Māori, Bronze Enviroschool in Thorndon, Wellington) have used the platform to achieve better outcomes than ever before for their tamariki, kaiako and whānau. Storypark has largely revolutionised our relationship/s with our mātua/parents, in the sense that they are able to perceive...

Even more quick tips for getting the most out of Storypark
Add colour to your stories The story editor has options that allow you to add coloured backgrounds, coloured borders on images, as well as font types, weights and colours to support you in creating a story that is visually appealing. You could use different colours or fonts to highlight each child’s voice or the assessment within a story. Resource link...

Introducing Learning Trends!
Educators are phenomenal people. They’re scientists, musicians, paramedics, counsellors, negotiators, leaders and strategists, all at any one given moment. Based on your guidance and the guidance of our partners and expert advisors, Storypark is excited to release our latest development, Learning Trends. Having this information at your fingertips will empower you to provide even greater support for children’s learning within your...

Introducing Storypark reports!
Today we’ve released an exciting new feature that will give teachers a whole new insight into what’s happening at their early learning services. Would you like to know if parent engagement in their child’s learning has been increasing at your service recently? Want to know which children are getting the most stories and which children are missing out? Ever wonder...