Add colour to your stories

The story editor has options that allow you to add coloured backgrounds, coloured borders on images, as well as font types, weights and colours to support you in creating a story that is visually appealing. You could use different colours or fonts to highlight each child’s voice or the assessment within a story.

Resource link

● How to change the presentation of your story:


Create your service’s philosophy as a learning set and tags

You can highlight how you are incorporating your service’s philosophy within your programme by creating a service philosophy learning set. For each area of your philosophy create a tag and add a description, eg:

  • Set: Play and Learn service philosophy
  • Tag: Independance
  • Description: At Play and Learn we believe in and promote children’s independence. We do this because … and through …

Resource link

● Create learning sets and tags:


Send an announcement about emergency details direct to parents

There can be times when you need to contact parents quickly due to bad weather, lockdowns, evacuation, civil defence etc. This is where the community announcement features comes in handy. Admins can create a community post announcement and this will be sent via email to each person in the community in addition to the notification they receive within Storypark. Just ensure you click the ‘Announcement’ checkbox in the community post.

Resource link

● Create a community post or announcement:


Observe how you’re delivering your curriculum through reports

The Reports area enables you to generate room and group reports that provide the learning trends over a selected time period. These learning trend reports provide you with accurate data of which learning tags teachers have been focusing on and tagging in a story. These reports then allow you to make comparisons of what learning areas have been recorded against your programme planning. If for example, one of your group programme plans for last month was to support the current interest in dance and movement, you can generate a learning trends report for that month to see which tags were used to support that planning and whether that interested was still current.

Resource link

● Creating learning or teaching trend reports:


IMG_3758Add teacher bios to your about area

The About area is an area where you can add information about your service and teachers. Each teacher can add their bio providing families with relevant and meaningful information about the people who care for and educate their children. This enables those family members who don’t do the drop-off and pick-up of their child to get to know the teaching team.

Resource link

● Add, edit or delete your About details:


Invite another service or school teacher to support their transition

Before a child heads to another early learning service or to school, you can can invite their future teacher to Storypark providing them with access to the child’s learning stories and journey. When you do this the child’s parent will receive an email asking if they agree to grant access to the new service/teacher. Their new teacher can not only view the child’s learning and development but also communicate with the family and the child’s current teachers. This enables easier sharing and establishing of relationships, supporting a smoother transition for the child and their family.

Resource link

● Transferring children between services:

Posted by Storypark

Try Storypark for free and improve family engagement with children’s learning


  1. Hi,
    I wanted to ask if you can upload a PowerPoint presentation to Storypark for children to view and does it need to be under the 300MB size?


    1. Sonya McIntyre July 26, 2021 at 9:56 pm

      Hi Pam,
      This depends on where you would like to upload it to…
      – to a plan: you can upload a PowerPoint, there is no file size restriction (as it is not a MOV, MP4, AVI, WMV)

      Here is an article to walk you through how to add a PowerPoint

      – to a story: PowerPoint file format is not supported. You could however export it as a pdf and upload it that way

      – to your centre’s documents: You can upload a PowerPoint this way but all educators and parents would have access to it.

      The only consideration on file size for the above would be the capability on your internet speed, and the families internet speed

      Here is an article to walk you through the process. Hope this helps, any other questions just get in touch with our customer success team and they will be able to help you 🙂


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