Tag: Learning Tags & Sets

Evaluation and compliance in New Zealand ECE services
New tools to help with evaluation and compliance for New Zealand learning services We regularly hear from educators and educational leaders that you wish you had more time! You spend a lot of your time reading regulatory documents and guides and figuring out ways to implement the requirements that ensure you provide a quality early learning environment for your children...

Meet compliance requirements and legislation using learning tags
How learning tags help you to meet (and exceed) compliance requirements and legislation Trying to meet compliance requirements and legislation can be challenging! But it can be much easier with the help of learning tags. Meeting the National Quality Standards does not need to be incredibly stressful, or time-consuming. In fact, collecting the evidence that you have met the standards...

Technology is a gamechanger at Central Michigan learning lab
Mount Pleasant in Central Michigan is home to one of the state’s largest universities. Central Michigan University, with 20,000 students, almost double the population of the city and is known as a “college town”. From its beginnings as a teacher’s college, the university now offers programs ranging from health and science, engineering, business and communications, and technology. The student and...

Communicating the Benefits of Art Therapy
Veronica Bestall has a vision. A vision to create more awareness of the benefits Art Therapy provides for understanding emotions, being fully self-expressed, processing grief and trauma and developing healthy social skills. Storypark is helping her do this. Veronica shared with us how she is using Storypark to support children with ASD and anxiety who attend art therapy sessions at...

The Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development with Storypark
Parents now have easy access to the most up to date scientific knowledge on early childhood development through Storypark’s partnership with the Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development. “The goal of the Encyclopedia is to have as many parents, family members and professionals as possible benefit from the latest and most useful research on children’s development. Storypark is clearly one of...

How to use the Marte Meo Supportive Communication Learning set
Dutch born, Maria Aarts, studied parent-child interactions for 40 years across various countries and cultures. She recognised the difficulties in explaining scientific observations of a child’s problems to parents and other educators and in turn developed ‘Marte Meo‘. Marte Meo means ‘One’s own strength’ and is a method which is widely used in 43 countries. It gives parents and caregivers information that’s not only...

This early learning centre now achieves better outcomes than ever before
Tania Gaffey shared her experiences with using Storypark and how Te Puna Reo o Ngā Kākano (an urban-based, kaupapa Māori, Bronze Enviroschool in Thorndon, Wellington) have used the platform to achieve better outcomes than ever before for their tamariki, kaiako and whānau. Storypark has largely revolutionised our relationship/s with our mātua/parents, in the sense that they are able to perceive...

Even more quick tips for getting the most out of Storypark
Add colour to your stories The story editor has options that allow you to add coloured backgrounds, coloured borders on images, as well as font types, weights and colours to support you in creating a story that is visually appealing. You could use different colours or fonts to highlight each child’s voice or the assessment within a story. Resource link...

How Learning Tags can inform your practice and programme
One of my roles at Storypark is to work with centres and teachers supporting them to get the most out of Storypark. While undertaking this work I have noticed some trends emerging over the use of learning tags so I would like to share with you some suggestions on how to make learning sets and tags work for you, your...

Introducing Learning Trends!
Educators are phenomenal people. They’re scientists, musicians, paramedics, counsellors, negotiators, leaders and strategists, all at any one given moment. Based on your guidance and the guidance of our partners and expert advisors, Storypark is excited to release our latest development, Learning Trends. Having this information at your fingertips will empower you to provide even greater support for children’s learning within your...