Tag: Family Resources

What happens when your child leaves their learning service?
It’s that time of year here for transitions, changes and wrapping things up! Lots of parents ask our support team what happens to their child’s Storypark profile when they leave. Whether your child is going to school or simply moving to another service, we’ve got you covered. Storypark doesn’t own your child’s stories and information, we simply store it for...

Storypark Troubleshooting/FAQs
These are some of our most frequently asked questions. For a comprehensive guide to Storypark please see our extensive library of help articles. Educators I’m trying to start a plan from a template, but the template doesn’t show in the room Does the template have any children included in it? If so, you will only see that template in rooms...

RIE – Respectful care with infants
“The application of Emmi Pikler’s respectful and affectionate image of the baby has helped babies to develop well, and adults to change their internal representations of the baby’s capacities and their role as care providers.” (Introducing the Piklerian Developmental Approach: History and Principles, The Signal World Association for Infant Mental Health Newsletter 2010). When working with the youngest of...

How to Help Children Cope with the Loss of a Loved One
We are fully immersed in the holiday season, and we love it, right? This is the time for magical moments with family pulled close to our hearts. There are treats to bake, decorations to display – and plenty of music, celebration, and togetherness. But for children who have lost a parent or close family member in the last twelve months,...

Putting the love into Christmas
What do you want your children to remember about family Christmases? The world is a pretty diverse place so Christmas will mean lots of different things to us, but I bet your list has ‘love’ on it, and something about having a lovely time together. The reality for lots of parents, of course, is that as well as all that...

She’s perfect
A mother’s letter she wrote to herself 2 years after her beautiful daughter was born with Down Syndrome. Frankie has just been born, she looks up at you with her beautiful almond-shaped eyes and you know immediately that she has Down Syndrome. In that moment the first words that tumble out of your mouth are ‘she’s perfect.’ And she is....

Perfectionism in Young Children and How to Help
Perfectionism in Young Children and How to Help Written by Dr. Kaylene Henderson, Child Psychiatrist, and Parent Educator There’s a perception in our society that perfectionism is a good thing, akin to ‘being perfect’; That it’s something to strive for or to drop into conversation in job interviews… Yet the reality is quite different. Perfectionism leads people to place unreasonably...

Resources to support children after an earthquake
A large earthquake is an extremely terrifying and unsettling act of nature that even we as adults, can find impacts on us in the days and weeks afterwards. It is only to be expected then, that children of all ages can also be affected in a range of ways. It is hard to know exactly how each child may process...

Helping Children to Identify and Manage their Feelings
How do we raise children to be empathic human beings? One of the biggest challenges faced by those working in early childhood care and education services is managing the behaviour and emotions of young children. “Brain research studies have shown us that when we try to use distraction, punishment or logic with children to help them calm down then they...

Quick and easy recipes for sensory play
Here are a bunch of resources for sensory play ideas that are so easy for you to make yourself! You don’t have to spend a lot of money and time creating exciting sensory and play materials for children to spend hours exploring with touch, language and imagination. For more early learning inspiration and professional development, subscribe to the Storypark YouTube channel...