Tag: Educator Professional Learning

Supporting a child’s transition from kindergarten to school
Recently on our new early learning web series “Mat Time” we interviewed Carol Hartley, who is the head teacher at Mangere Bridge Kindergarten in Auckland, New Zealand. Carol was part of a 10 year research project about supporting children from early childhood to primary school, and helped author a book on transitions called ‘Crossing The Border – a community negotiates...

Reading with children to improve communication and early literacy skills
Recently on our new early learning web series “Mat Time” we interviewed speech and language therapist Amanda White about using books to develop communication and literacy skills. Amanda told us that it’s never too early to start reading with children and babies, and shared some really helpful tips for both educators and parents about how to make reading enjoyable, as...

Documenting your continuous professional learning
Being a teacher can also mean being a learner. You need to be able to make observations and capture reflections on what you learn as part of your teaching practice, as well as what the outcomes for children have been. Continuous professional learning is an important part of any vocation, especially so when nurturing the futures of so many young...

Mentoring advice part three – your words
In our third and final article focusing on advice imparted on educators by their mentors, we have a wonderful collection of your own words and personal stories. We have no doubt that they will inspire you in different ways and we hope you find something that speaks to you. One mentor told me to look at my teaching and learning philosophy regularly as...

Why do educators really struggle to engage with parents?
As CEO of Storypark I have the good fortune of working with great educators from all over the world. My job is to listen and understand our partners, educators and advisors to ensure that Storypark evolves in the ways that best serve children, educators and families. All this listening lets me see common challenges and trends, so this is my...

Mentoring advice part one – Working with children
We had the most overwhelming response to our recent give away where we asked you to share with us the one piece of advice or lesson learnt from a mentor that has influenced your teaching the most. We compiled your entries into lists, defined by category and filled with all of the best advice given to our Storypark users by their mentors...

Who is documentation of children’s learning really for?
“The question in my mind is – who is documentation really for, at the end of the day who does it belong to? Is it a record for the child now or in the future? A tool for children to reflect on their recent learning? A way of sharing and engaging parents, family and communities in a child’s learning? Or...

How to get the most out of your study tour to Reggio Emilia
No one in Reggio wants to teach others how to “do school.” What we seek to do rather is to try and deepen our understanding, together with others, of why it was possible in Reggio Emilia for an (educational) experience founded after the war, to grow and consolidate with time… What we want to do is look together for...

Mentoring advice part two – Leadership
Recently we asked you to share with us the one piece of advice or lesson learnt from a mentor that has influenced your teaching the most. In the second of our articles on mentoring, we focus on leadership advice. There are some great words of wisdom here, we hope that one or two of them strike a chord with you, and...

Long Day Care Professional Development Programme Opportunities
The Long Day Care Professional Development Programme (LDCPDP) is the single biggest investment ever in Australian professional development for child care and early learning educators in long day care (LDC) services. There are a lot of opportunities to invest your LDCPDP funds, including covering the cost of Storypark. To quote the Department of Education Website: “The LDCPDP will fund LDC services to...