Being a teacher can also mean being a learner. You need to be able to make observations and capture reflections on what you learn as part of your teaching practice, as well as what the outcomes for children have been. Continuous professional learning is an important part of any vocation, especially so when nurturing the futures of so many young people.

Storypark’s portfolio stories allow teachers to document evidence of their work over time. You can analyse and review your progress, within whatever time period you choose. You can even include peers and mentors in this process. This makes professional development, reporting and assessment processes richer, faster and easier.

In Storypark story editor you can create a story or observation about a child, or you can select ‘my portfolio’ and use the same story editor to create evidence of your own progression against your Continuous Professional Learning (CPL), teacher registration, NQS, or other goals/priorities you might be working on.

You can add a copy of an existing story to your portfolio by duplicating it. If you have created a story that really captures a part of your teaching practice you would like to keep, you can add it to your portfolio so you have it for assessment or coaching purposes. Any story that you are the author of or which was created by a teacher at your service can be duplicated.IMG_3321 (1)

Of course, it also works the other way around as well. If you have created a Portfolio story and want to switch it back to being a children’s story, just duplicate it back to the child before publishing it again.

Stories that you have added to your Portfolio are only able to be viewed by you and any other teacher at your service that you specifically want to be able to view them. So you can include your head teacher, your team or just your mentor.

Having the ability to record and save portfolio stories in one place has really simplified our systems for reflecting on our own practice, appraisal and teacher registration. Using our own set of learning tags, we can easily categorise our portfolio entries which means it is simple to reflect on which areas of practice we need to focus on further. It also helps us with peer review, teachers can comment on and offer feedback to each other in their own time. It can be difficult to schedule times to have these types of valuable conversations, but with Storypark, it is so much easier – Chrissy (Teacher)

You can find out more about creating Portfolio stories, Duplicating Stories and Inviting others to Your Portfolio, make sure you check out our Help Centre

Posted by Storypark

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  1. Hi There!

    I have created a portfolio for myself but it has lots of content that I would like to organise. Can you please tell me how to add learning tags to my already published portfolio duplicate stories, such as PLOMS, or RTC or Planning?

    Many Thanks.


    1. Hi Krishna 🙂 You can edit your portfolio stories in the same way as you would with a child’s learning story. Attached is our help centre article which will talk you through editing a story ^ Sonya


  2. […] educators could improve the documentation process and make it more practical. She also explored the professional learning that can occur for educators when documenting […]


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