Guardian Early learning Group CEO talks about Storypark
“My educators have said that families often struggle, or don’t know how they can contribute to their children’s learning. Storypark has transformed this for them. It provides a platform for families and educators to engage and contribute different perspectives on their children’s learning, thinking, development and wellbeing. At the end of the day, we are all working to achieve greater...

Planning for and extending children’s learning with Storypark
Whether you plan on paper, a whiteboard, face-to-face, or a combination of different ways, we hear the same hurdles over and over… “it’s hard to involve my whole team in planning” . . . “I wish we could better engage parents” . . . “How do I track our planning and assessments over time” . . . “I’d love an...

Imagine a classroom without walls – video
3 and 4 year olds can climb mountains! I know this, because I went up a mountain recently with some very capable young children. They trekked for over 2 hours to get to the top of Mount Kau Kau, one of the great walks in Wellington, New Zealand. This excursion was part of the Nature Explore component of Daisies Early...

Filtering emails to avoid cluttering your inbox
I have an admission. Sometimes I avoid checking my email, even when there are important things in it for me to deal with – because the mere thought of the chaos that is my inbox is enough to make my head feel like polystyrene and my cortisol levels to rise. Luckily, many of the emails I receive are quite similar...

What is the impact of Storypark for children, families and educators?
What we see: We surveyed our Storypark families to ensure we’re making an impact. We have been delighted with the responses: 97% of parents felt that Storypark has enabled them to be more involved in their child’s learning. 94% of parents felt that Storypark has enabled their wider family to be more involved in their child’s learning. 96% of parents...

Storypark is a values based company
Our Values Stronger together We include, respect and generously support each other through the good and the bad. It takes a village. We believe it takes a village to raise a child and support stronger, engaged families through our work We have a shared sense of responsibility – to ourselves, to each other and to our customers Collectively we offer...

How imaginative play helps children learn
Many of the memories I have of my childhood include my two older sisters, who are close in age to me, and we played together often. On weekends and school holidays we would distract ourselves for hours, often outside on the small farm we grew up on – climbing old water tanks or spending hours in the cattle yards, pretending...

Children and technology
The use of technology by children has changed rapidly in a short period of time. Many children as young as 3 years own their own devices, but how are they using this technology and what sort of learning is happening with it? Watch this interview with researcher Dr Joanne Orlando about how children are actually using technology at home, and...

Art explorations for early learners
Art is often about the process, rather than the product – which is particularly important to remember when doing art activities with young children. As early childhood educators, we’re all familiar with the idea that if the end products all look identical, there probably hasn’t been much learning, creativity or imagination taking place. Pre K + K Sharing put it...

Supporting an effective transition to school
The end of year is a busy time for everyone, so we’ve prepared a few practical tips from experts to help you save time and create the best outcomes for children. In the run up to holidays children are excited, parents are frantically trying to prepare and educators’ workloads increase as they prepare to farewell a group of children. Across...