I have an admission. Sometimes I avoid checking my email, even when there are important things in it for me to deal with – because the mere thought of the chaos that is my inbox is enough to make my head feel like polystyrene and my cortisol levels to rise.
Luckily, many of the emails I receive are quite similar to each other, and can easily be categorised. For example e-newsletter subscriptions, certain projects, updates from services I use. When filtering and categorising similar emails, you can drastically reduce the number of emails you receive, and only be alerted of the most important things. The other things are still there, they’ve just been neatly categorised for you to look at when you have the chance.
Here you’ll find step by step instructions on how to filter emails using many email clients.
An email client is a desktop application that allows you to receive, read, compose and send emails without having to use an internet browser. It provides a central interface for your emails and even allows you to add multiple accounts.

Search Google on how to create email filters on your choice of client if it is different than Mail for mac. Not all email clients will allow this functionality, however. Here are instructions for filtering with Gmail.
We hope these tips help to make your workload a bit easier to manage, and like me you find yourself procrastinating less about checking your email!
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