Tag: Quality Practice

What is the place of AI in ECE? Unpicking common concerns from educators
You might have heard that Storypark has been thinking a lot about artificial intelligence (AI) and its place in early childhood education lately. If the conversations we’ve been having and the discussions we’ve been seeing across the sector are anything to go by, you are too! With the pace that AI has leapt forward over the past year, you might...

Giving children authentic and specific praise and feedback
Do you often find yourself giving children feedback and hearing yourself use the same phrases many times a day? Do you often think your praise and acknowledgement sounds rehearsed, and non authentic? How does this make children feel about their work? Can you ever master the art of giving authentic and specific praise? Picture this…You have been working hard on...

Settling children back into your learning service after lockdown
Settling back into your learning service Having a strategy and procedures in place for transitioning children (and their families) back into your learning environment is of utmost importance right now. Many children will be straight back to business as if they had never been away. They may have had a great time, living their best lives at home in their...

The Power of Storypark at Family Day
Children, families, and educators are reaping the benefits of a new communications tool in our child care centres. With the goal of increasing engagement with our educators and families, Family Day began implementing a new communications tool in our child care centres in 2017. Called Storypark, the tool is an innovative, internet-based platform that is used to document children’s learning...

Children Can Record Reflections on Their Own Learning
Children Can Record Reflections on Their Own Learning You heard right, children can record reflections on their own learning on Storypark! We put children at the heart of everything we do. In a practical sense, this means our team ensures that every feature and tool we create, comes from a place of understanding and knowing that children will experience positive...

COVID-19 A Unique Opportunity
The leadership team at The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne Early Learning, are without a doubt feeling the impact that COVID-19 has made on educational services worldwide. They have, however, viewed the disruption with a different lens to many other learning services. They see this time as a unique opportunity to promote the important and educated work they do in regards...

Preparing for and teaching through COVID-19
In Sauquoit New York, nestled on acres of land sits an enchanting place where children spend their days being outside and in touch with the natural world. Young Einsteins is a haven where children are given the opportunity to garden, care for chickens and birds, and observe pond life creatures in their natural habitat, all whilst being guided by the...

Rethinking practice and caring in new ways – supporting ECE services through Covid-19
This is an unprecedented time in the ECE profession. Individuals, managers and owners/operators are faced with conflicting pressures: Ethically what’s my/our responsibility to flatten the curve and help care for our society? What will the government mandate around closures and self isolation mean for our families? How will this affect our team, families, occupancy and operations? What are parents going...

You do not fit the child into the theory
The word theory has its roots in ancient Greek, basically meaning a view, a notion or contemplation. In the domain of early childhood education, theories are the overarching ideas that influence our pedagogical practices, and each theory or theorist has a perspective that has generally evolved over long periods of time. Iterative in nature, theories are often contributed to and...

Welcoming New Families to Your Service
Welcoming New Families to Your Learning Service Choosing an early childhood service is a significant decision for most parents of young children. Having strategies to make new families feel welcome and included is so important. Here are some tried and tested suggestions to help a new child and their family feel a sense of belonging in your learning service: Keep in...