Tag: Research

Will implementing a digital documentation solution result in more parent engagement?
A new research study completed by Dr M.E. Picher on the use of a digital documentation technology (called Storypark) in Ontario’s kindergarten program shows that this technology had a positive impact on parents’ engagement in their children’s learning. The study, conducted by Picher for her PhD thesis at the University of Toronto, included 220 parents who used Storypark to receive...

North America’s First Independent Assessment on the Impact of Digital Documentation in Full-day Kindergarten
The use of digital documentation in early childhood programs is becoming more and more commonplace throughout Canada and the U.S. Many of these platforms talk about the benefits that they offer, but until recently, no known studies had been published on the impact of digital documentation in the early learning context in North America. Moreover, when I reviewed the...

Are you considering a digital documentation solution but worried it will be too much extra work? See the research that proves otherwise.
Findings from a 2019 research study on the use of a digital documentation technology (called Storypark) in full-day kindergarten showed that, overall, workload did not increase for the educators who participated in the study. The research, which was done by M.E. Picher for her PhD dissertation at the University of Toronto, took place in 11 kindergarten classrooms at four schools...

How does digital documentation help children directly?
It’s commonly understood that digital documentation can help educators and parents, but how does it help children directly? A new research study by Dr. M.E. Picher on the use of a pedagogical documentation technology (called Storypark) showed that the online platform had a positive impact on educator-parent communication, educator’s understanding of curriculum and parents’ engagement in their children’s learning. But...

Does digital documentation replace face-to-face conversations between parents and educators?
Does digital documentation replace face-to-face conversations between parents and educators? The answer may surprise you! New research completed out of the University of Toronto on the use of a digital documentation technology (called Storypark) has dispelled the common misconception that the use of this technology will result in less face-to-face interactions between educators and parents. Dr. M.E. Picher, the author...

Storypark as a teaching and learning tool
Storypark as a teaching and learning tool in a curriculum and pedagogy unit in the Department of Educational Studies, Macquarie University. Dr Rebecca Andrews and Ms Paula Haalebos. The staff and second year early childhood students in the Department of Educational Studies, Macquarie University were provided access, free of charge, to Storypark. We found Storypark, as an example of an electronic documentation...

The research behind family engagement in children’s learning
The impact parental involvement has on children’s learning is well documented. Researchers have evidence for the positive effects of parent involvement on children, families, and school when schools and parents continuously support and encourage the children’s learning and development. The most accurate predictor of a student’s achievement in school is not income or social status but the extent to which...

What is the impact of Storypark for children, families and educators?
What we see: We surveyed our Storypark families to ensure we’re making an impact. We have been delighted with the responses: 97% of parents felt that Storypark has enabled them to be more involved in their child’s learning. 94% of parents felt that Storypark has enabled their wider family to be more involved in their child’s learning. 96% of parents...

Electronic portfolios in early childhood education: Parent-teacher communication
By Amanda Higgins A three paper thesis Submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Education Victoria University of Wellington 2015 Abstract Electronic portfolios (ePortfolios) are a new phenomenon in early childhood education (ECE) and there is minimal existing research available on their use and effectiveness as a learning...

92% of parents rated Storypark as easy to use
The results from the Storypark Parent Survey are out now! In December last year we conducted our first Storypark member survey. A big thank you to the many Storypark members who participated. I’m sure you will all be interested in the results! We knew from international research that outcomes for a child improve dramatically when their family is engaged in...