Tag: Documentation

New! Digital Documentation Learning Modules
Storypark and Early Childhood Australia launch a series of digital documentation learning modules that support best teaching practice for educators and maximum impact for young children In 2019, Storypark embarked on a new project with Early Childhood Australia (ECA), to develop a suite of three digital documentation learning modules. The modules are titled “Engaging with digital documentation and technology”. After...

Nurturing the community at YMCA Canberra
YMCA Canberra has a very clear mission statement. They work from a base of Christian values to provide opportunities for all people to grow in body, mind and spirit. Coupled with their vision to have a community which is connected, inclusive and resilient, it is easy to see that the children who spend time in one of their 25 services,...

Only About Children
Only About Children (OAC) is a fitting name for the network of early learning services which uses a holistic approach that gives children the platform they need to thrive. Operating more than 73 early years learning, and kindergarten/preschool campuses throughout Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, OAC goes beyond education to encompass the health and total wellbeing of every child who attends...

Changing Perspectives: Viewing Documentation from a Different Lens
Changing Perspectives: Viewing Documentation from a Different Lens Dr. Diane Kashin, RECE, shares with us a personal story about changing perspectives and viewing documentation from a different lens now that she delights in her gorgeous grandson, Griffen. I originally learned about Storypark, an online platform to support storytelling and documentation when I was teaching a course on children and technology...

Nurturing Authentic Connections at Journey Early Learning
We recently caught up with Journey Early Learning Quality and Compliance Manager, Mel Comerford from Astute Early Years Specialists to discuss Journey’s switch to using Storypark. With twelve learning services under the Journey Early Learning umbrella, Storypark is now the only platform used for documentation of all children’s learning. It is used not only for learning stories but also for...

How to choose the right digital documentation platform for your early learning service
How to choose the right digital documentation platform for your early learning service “D” is for diligence. Early childhood educators are required to provide rich, meaningful information about learning and development to families, to the community and to each other, that demonstrates a way of articulating and evidencing what they are doing, how they are doing it and what it...

Technology is a gamechanger at Central Michigan learning lab
Mount Pleasant in Central Michigan is home to one of the state’s largest universities. Central Michigan University, with 20,000 students, almost double the population of the city and is known as a “college town”. From its beginnings as a teacher’s college, the university now offers programs ranging from health and science, engineering, business and communications, and technology. The student and...

Ministories – A way of making visible context, strategy and assessment
The rapid expansion of technology in everyday life has meant that the tools available to early childhood educators to use in pedagogical documentation are many. The early childhood sector has responded enthusiastically to their arrival and a lot of documentation in children’s programs reflects some use of technology. This makes sense. Photographs and visual artefacts can be gathered over a...

The digital space as a Piazza of participation
What is in your head? What is in my head? What is the gap in between? Digital software for use in early learning environments has transformed the way that information about children and programs is generated, documented and distributed. Advantages that are proffered with these types of technologies are that they provide to educators and families increased flexibility, greater...

Storywriting with intention
Come on a journey with me through time. Watch with me the growth of a flower, the wind in the trees, the chirping of the bird known to take haven in the shelter across the playground. Come on a journey with me as we capture the aesthetics of the natural environment that intrigues you so, bundling this up digitally in...