Expanding Children’s Horizons

A new study has confirmed that children form fixed ideas, very early on, about the kinds of jobs they will aspire to do in the future.   How do young children decide on a job? It’s not from signing up with a job agency or browsing employment listings.   The study asked children from 7 to 17 years old, from...

/ March 11, 2018

How Bayside Park Early Education Centre achieved an ‘Exceeding’ NQS rating

The director at Bayside Park Early Education Centre, says “we pride ourselves on our relationships with parents – and feel that our open and honest communication provides a solid foundation for us to work together to support, develop and enjoy each child in our care.” This philosophy is one of the many reasons that Bayside Park were recently awarded an...

/ February 27, 2018

The Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development with Storypark

Parents now have easy access to the most up to date scientific knowledge on early childhood development through Storypark’s partnership with the Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development. “The goal of the Encyclopedia is to have as many parents, family members and professionals as possible benefit from the latest and most useful research on children’s development. Storypark is clearly one of...

/ February 27, 2018

3 phrases for a sexism free childhood

‘Use your walking feet, please!’ ‘Gentle hands, remember?’ ‘Use your words.’   If you live or work with small children, you will have plenty of these repeatable phrases up your sleeve. It’s good to have brief and catchy things to say, often, to pass on our values and help children learn, practise and remember healthy ways of behaving.   Here...

/ February 27, 2018

The new Te Whāriki in a nutshell part 2

There were five practices the Ministry of Education wants to develop further through the revamp of Te Whāriki. A rich curriculum for every child, a focus on learning that matters here, affirming of identity, language, and culture, parents, and whānau engaged in their children’s learning, and, personalised pathways to school and kura. Let’s have a deeper look at these five...

/ February 26, 2018

The New Te Whāriki in a nutshell.

Te Whāriki has been out for a while now, and the revised version since May 2017. So it’s time that we take a look back on the initial conversation at the launch and re-familiarise ourselves with the intent of the update. Initially, there were lots of conversations about what was left out and what the point of updating was. It...

/ February 13, 2018

Changing your email notifications on Storypark

It seems to be one of the most common features of modern life: getting absolutely bombarded by emails. Often to the point where you have no idea which emails need your attention and which you can just leave until you finally get that “free” five minutes. With Storypark, we are wanting you to be able to keep up on your...

/ February 5, 2018

RIE – Respectful care with infants

   “The application of Emmi Pikler’s respectful and affectionate image of the baby has helped babies to develop well, and adults to change their internal representations of the baby’s capacities and their role as care providers.”   (Introducing the Piklerian Developmental Approach: History and Principles, The Signal World Association for Infant Mental Health Newsletter 2010). When working with the youngest of...

/ February 4, 2018

Tips for Tramping with Toddlers

Have you heard of vitamin N? According to author, Richard Louv, the N is for nature. He’s written several books about the value of nature for healthy development and quality of life, such as Vitamin N: The Essential Guide to a Nature-Rich Life and Last Child in the Woods where he introduced the term “nature deficit disorder.” There is an...

/ January 28, 2018

Kaitiakitanga: Children as Champions of Nature, for Nature

Kaitiakitanga: Children as Champions of Nature, for Nature By: Brigitte Alamani (Head Teacher | Daisies Early Education and Care Centre) Background Daisies is a family owned long-day education and care centre in Johnsonville, Wellington, that is licensed for 30 children a day. We are a mixed aged centre, catering from 9 months to school aged children. Our pedagogy embraces New...

/ January 7, 2018