Tag: Child Learning & Development

How imaginative play helps children learn

Many of the memories I have of my childhood include my two older sisters, who are close in age to me, and we played together often. On weekends and school holidays we would distract ourselves for hours, often outside on the small farm we grew up on – climbing old water tanks or spending hours in the cattle yards, pretending...

/ January 18, 2017

Children and technology

The use of technology by children has changed rapidly in a short period of time. Many children as young as 3 years own their own devices, but how are they using this technology and what sort of learning is happening with it? Watch this interview with researcher Dr Joanne Orlando about how children are actually using technology at home, and...

/ January 15, 2017

Supporting children to be charitable

Christmas can be a time when the focus can be on the giving and receiving of gifts, but it can also be a time where we help to instil in children a developing sense of empathy for others less fortunate, an opportunity to be charitable in meaningful ways. Donating money to a charity is a fantastic thing to do, and...

/ December 19, 2016

The workout for children: A different kind of Village

Our latest guest post is from Beth Clements from Affinity Education Group in Australia. Beth is a passionate educator who works as a consultant in the Early Years framework with a mission to empower educators to change the lives of children one connection at a time. A child arrives into this world with knowledge and capabilities, they are wired to...

/ December 14, 2016

More exciting science activities for young children

Our team of early childhood educators have created a new range of DIY science activities for you to try with your children, at home or in your centre. For more early learning inspiration, subscribe to the Storypark YouTube channel <=

/ November 28, 2016

Resources to support children after an earthquake

A large earthquake is an extremely terrifying and unsettling act of nature that even we as adults, can find impacts on us in the days and weeks afterwards. It is only to be expected then, that children of all ages can also be affected in a range of ways. It is hard to know exactly how each child may process...

/ November 13, 2016

The Golden Gift – Marte Meo at home

Dutch born, Maria Aarts, studied parent-child interactions for 40 years across varies countries and cultures. She recognised the difficulties in explaining scientific observations of a child’s problems to parents and other educators and in turn developed ‘Marte Meo‘. Marte Meo means ‘One’s own strength’ and is a method which is widely used in 43 countries. It gives parents and caregivers information that’s not only...

/ November 1, 2016

Helping Children to Identify and Manage their Feelings

How do we raise children to be empathic human beings? One of the biggest challenges faced by those working in early childhood care and education services is managing the behaviour and emotions of young children. “Brain research studies have shown us that when we try to use distraction, punishment or logic with children to help them calm down then they...

/ October 17, 2016

Easy, healthy and delicious food for young children

It can be a tireless task coming up with fun and interesting ways to present nutritious meals, but these recipes are all easy, healthy and delicious food for young children. Eating food involves not only taste, but also smell, sight, taste and sound, and these suggestions of foods for children (and adults) are sure to delight all the senses! Most...

/ October 10, 2016

Toddlers and the lessons we can learn from them

Toddlers are magical, mysterious, mischievous, and interesting characters. If emotions were seasons, toddlers would certainly live up to the saying “four seasons in one day“, except there would be many, many seasons that unfold in any day. They have mountains of energy, and they are the most determined beings, which all amounts to a lot of laughter, tears, and adventure....

/ September 28, 2016