Making teaching visible
We talk a lot about how documentation makes children’s learning visible and the importance of this, but have you ever stopped to consider what else is made visible? It makes teaching visible too! As teachers, it seems to be a common feeling that parts of the work we do with children are not recognized. That is not to say that...

What does the winner of the Prime Minister’s Award for Early Childhood think about Storypark?
The following is a testimonial from Meagan Bell, recipient of the Canadian Prime Minister’s Award for Early Childhood in 2014. She comments on her use of Storypark at the Kanata Research Park Family Centre in Ottawa, Ontario. As we began the 2014 school year in our kindergarten program, we focused our attention on improving how we provide accessible ways for...

Are you considering a digital documentation solution but worried it will be too much extra work? See the research that proves otherwise.
Findings from a 2019 research study on the use of a digital documentation technology (called Storypark) in full-day kindergarten showed that, overall, workload did not increase for the educators who participated in the study. The research, which was done by M.E. Picher for her PhD dissertation at the University of Toronto, took place in 11 kindergarten classrooms at four schools...

How does digital documentation help children directly?
It’s commonly understood that digital documentation can help educators and parents, but how does it help children directly? A new research study by Dr. M.E. Picher on the use of a pedagogical documentation technology (called Storypark) showed that the online platform had a positive impact on educator-parent communication, educator’s understanding of curriculum and parents’ engagement in their children’s learning. But...

A journey to Storypark
This blog post has been written by Meagan Bell, recipient of a 2014 Prime Minister’s award for ECE at Kanata Research Park Family Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. For six months, Storypark has facilitated an evolution at KRP – changing how our educators make learning visible to the parents within their early learning and care agency. We’ve looked closely and reflected on...

10 tips for engaging and staying connected with families using Storypark during Covid-19
One of our Values at Storypark is Stronger together – We include, respect and generously support each other through the good and the bad. It takes a village. Simply put, Storypark brings families and educators together. We have 10 tips to help you use Storypark to engage and stay connected with families during COVID-19. Use the conversations or community post...

The Power of Storypark at Family Day
Children, families, and educators are reaping the benefits of a new communications tool in our child care centres. With the goal of increasing engagement with our educators and families, Family Day began implementing a new communications tool in our child care centres in 2017. Called Storypark, the tool is an innovative, internet-based platform that is used to document children’s learning...

Children Can Record Reflections on Their Own Learning
Children Can Record Reflections on Their Own Learning You heard right, children can record reflections on their own learning on Storypark! We put children at the heart of everything we do. In a practical sense, this means our team ensures that every feature and tool we create, comes from a place of understanding and knowing that children will experience positive...

Canadian Child Care Federation promote technology to ensure excellence in early learning services
Children’s answers to the question “what did you do today?” have eluded parents across Canada for many years. This week the Canadian Child Care Federation announced their endorsement and partnership with early learning tech leader Storypark, makers of online documentation and learning community tools for early child care services. Storypark helps educators and families work together in extending each child’s...

Documenting Professional Growth in ECE
Documenting professional growth in ECE Documenting professional growth in ECE is an essential element and indicator, of quality practice. But finding the right system for collecting examples of your learning, relating this evidence to your work with children, reflecting on and using your learning to enhance your practice can be challenging to say the least. In the central North Island...