Tag: Learning Activities

Learning at home – Fine and gross motor skills & problem solving
Looking for ideas that support children’s development of motor skills and problem-solving in your home environment? You don’t need fancy equipment or resources to do this, you will be surprised to learn that most of these ideas can be offered with minimal preparation. Ideas for gross motor skill development Throwing and or kicking balls in a bucket, hula hoop or...

Encouraging a Sense of Wonder while Keeping our Distance: This is the Time to Connect to Nature
During this global pandemic crisis, staying connected is a challenge. With so many of us being asked to socially isolate – to keep our distance, we look to new technologies to maintain relationships. In these uncertain times, it is more important than ever to stay connected. I recently wrote a blog post, Early Childhood Education: Making Sense of our Life’s Course,...

Coronavirus – Strategies and Resources for Educators
Times of stress are difficult for children, parents, educators and business owners/operators. It’s important that we stay connected and care for each other as best we can during this time, especially supporting those isolated by COVID19. The strength of relationships and community will be a big influence in supporting people’s mental and physical health in the weeks/months ahead and ensure...

Coronavirus – Resources for Families in Isolation
Coronavirus – Resources for Families in Isolation With the spread of coronavirus having an impact on people worldwide, we have been discussing the implications this has for young children’s education. There will no doubt be temporary closures of early learning services. There will also be families (and educators) who due to exposure to the virus, or other risk factors need...

Activities to do at home with children
One of the difficult things many parents will face right now during the Coronavirus pandemic is coming up with ideas to keep children busy and engaged in learning while they are home during isolation periods. But try not to worry about children being bored – in fact, it’s a good thing! Storypark’s free Video library of activities to do at...

Leading Children in Practicing Citizenship
A teacher’s governing role serves as the foundation of their student’s experimental learning in the room. Styles can range from traditional authority, which is about obeying and not questioning rules. It can be adult-driven rather than child-centred. Democratic leadership involves participation, respects its students’ opinions, increases cooperation and gives instruction only after consulting with the group. You may find that...

Can toddlers and under fives really change the world?
We often talk about children in terms of potential. We consider that one day they might do something important, something world-changing, or just be more than they currently are. You see and hear it all the time “he has so much potential” or “One day she will be a community leader”. These are lovely sentiments, and the thought behind them...

Living a sustainable centre life
Here are some simple, every day practices you can implement to lead your early learning service on a journey to living more sustainably. At the dining table Place a compost bowl on the lunch table for food scraps that can be recycled, and another one for recyclable soft packaging. Explain to the children what goes in and why. Install a...

Chapter books for young children
‘One more chapter! Just one?’ My son was two-and-a-half when he discovered the pleasure of listening to an adult read a chapter book to him, and the corresponding pleasure of begging for ‘just one more’ when that adult came to the end of a section. But we quickly ran into a problem. He was still too little for anything remotely...

Better Books: Grandparents and Grandchildren
What kinds of families do the children in your early childhood centre or local community live in? If everyone you know has just a mum, a dad, and children, in their house, then they will find themselves well represented in children’s literature. But if they have any other pattern, you’ll have to make an extra effort to make sure...