Tag: Educator Life

Community of Practice Guidelines
Community of Practice Guidelines Do you want to nurture the growth of your community, foster innovation, and support and share quality practice? A Community of Practice is a great way to network with like-minded professionals who share a concern or common passion. Communicating and collaborating within a Community of Practice supports everyone in the community to be the best version...

Back to school! Tips for starting your teaching year organized
Do you ever feel at the end of your teaching year that your entire life is in complete and utter chaos? Are you a new teacher who is wondering “how on earth do I stay organized amongst all of the small jobs I need to stay on top of?” All of those little things that you had put off or...

Farewell Teaching
After 17 years as an early childhood educator, I have hung up my teaching hat and moved onto a new career with Storypark. It has been 17 years of fulfilment, joy, and immense rewards. I have laughed more than I’ve ever laughed before. I have been so proud of children that are not my own, something I never thought would...

Trade secrets of early childhood educators
Every occupation has its own trade secrets. We are lifting the lid on 10 little known facts about early childhood educators! In our heads, we high-five ourselves when we make it to the end of a book without interruptions. It’s the teachers equivalent of an olympic gold medal. Legendary status, a historical moment reached by few. In public we secretly...

Toddlers and the lessons we can learn from them
Toddlers are magical, mysterious, mischievous, and interesting characters. If emotions were seasons, toddlers would certainly live up to the saying “four seasons in one day“, except there would be many, many seasons that unfold in any day. They have mountains of energy, and they are the most determined beings, which all amounts to a lot of laughter, tears, and adventure....

The créche that built a family
Emily is a 31-year-old mother of two boys under three. Her first blog post in March 2015 went viral, reaching more than one million people in a few days. Emily is the New Zealand Herald’s parenting columnist, and parenting columnist for the New Zealand Woman’s Weekly. She founded and runs a charity called Ballet is for Everyone that provides free ballet...

An open letter to my son’s teacher
Emily is a 31-year-old mother of two boys under three. Her first blog post in March 2015 went viral, reaching more than one million people in a few days. Emily is the New Zealand Herald’s parenting columnist, and parenting columnist for the New Zealand Woman’s Weekly. She founded and runs a charity called Ballet is for Everyone that provides free ballet...

Is it wrong to love the children you teach?
When studying to become an early childhood educator, I always remember a lecturer stressing the importance of maintaining a professional distance from becoming too close to the children you teach. It was unprofessional to develop strong feelings for children. I always struggled with this as I am a feelings person. I often asked myself “is it wrong to love the...

Alternative job description for early childhood teachers
You must have a warm, smiling face that makes every child feel special and loved. You must be able to laugh at jokes that you don’t understand, or you don’t find funny. Child humour can be a confusing minefield to navigate. You will preferably have a little bit of quirkiness. If a child requests that you be the captain of...

Stuck for teacher gift ideas?
There is truth in the old saying “it’s the thought that counts”, and when it comes to buying something for the teachers who hold a special place in your child’s heart, rest assured a gift that has been carefully thought about means more than you can imagine. It’s getting close to that time of the year when we not only...