Tag: Daily Routines

Daily Routines Updates
Daily Routines Updates The daily routines feature on Storypark has been an invaluable tool to educators in all corners of the world. We have been overwhelmed by the love and positive feedback you’ve shown for it. It not only makes sharing important information with parents easier, but it also saves you paper, and most importantly, TIME! To highlight how popular...

Sharing children’s care routines with family
The importance of sharing children’s care routines Let’s talk about children’s care routines. A key component of working effectively with children and their families is the exchange of information and communication which is essential for you to truly work in partnership together. Over time you have no doubt found strategies and ways to share with each other by: Sharing learning...

Daily Routines – 4 ways Storypark can help you with compliance requirements
Meeting the National Quality Standards requires a lot of work, but the most frustrating thing is, this is work that you are already doing! Yes, you are meeting all of the standards in practice, however, providing evidence that you are indeed meeting the Quality Areas is a whole other kettle of fish. Now, we have some good news and some...