Category: Inspiration

Inspiration, tips and fun stuff

Sustainability tips for ECE leaders

Currently, we are over-using the earth, and that’s a worry. Our buy now, think later mindset is creating a world where we will shortly start to run out of resources. Role modeling is a very effective teaching strategy and one we can use to make a difference in this situation. It is our responsibility to alert children, teachers, families, and...

/ July 15, 2018

Insights into the updated National Quality Framework 2018

Research shows quality education and care early in life leads to better health, education and employment outcomes later in life. The early years are critical for establishing self-esteem, resilience, healthy growth and capacity to learn. Quality education and care shapes every child’s future and lays the foundation for development and learning. The National Quality Framework (NQF) introduced a new quality...

/ June 18, 2018

Better Books: Grandparents and Grandchildren

What kinds of families do the children in your early childhood centre or local community live in?   If everyone you know has just a mum, a dad, and children, in their house, then they will find themselves well represented in children’s literature. But if they have any other pattern, you’ll have to make an extra effort to make sure...

/ May 28, 2018

3 phrases for a sexism free childhood

‘Use your walking feet, please!’ ‘Gentle hands, remember?’ ‘Use your words.’   If you live or work with small children, you will have plenty of these repeatable phrases up your sleeve. It’s good to have brief and catchy things to say, often, to pass on our values and help children learn, practise and remember healthy ways of behaving.   Here...

/ February 27, 2018

Tips for Tramping with Toddlers

Have you heard of vitamin N? According to author, Richard Louv, the N is for nature. He’s written several books about the value of nature for healthy development and quality of life, such as Vitamin N: The Essential Guide to a Nature-Rich Life and Last Child in the Woods where he introduced the term “nature deficit disorder.” There is an...

/ January 28, 2018

Kaitiakitanga: Children as Champions of Nature, for Nature

Kaitiakitanga: Children as Champions of Nature, for Nature By: Brigitte Alamani (Head Teacher | Daisies Early Education and Care Centre) Background Daisies is a family owned long-day education and care centre in Johnsonville, Wellington, that is licensed for 30 children a day. We are a mixed aged centre, catering from 9 months to school aged children. Our pedagogy embraces New...

/ January 7, 2018

The Benefits of Tramping with Children

“It’s Tuesday Adventure Day! Where do you want to go today?” My 4-year-old turned to her friend to begin a serious discussion about their favourite local day walks. In the end, they voted on a track through nearby farmland rumoured to have new lambs. My daughter and I have been doing Tuesday Adventure Days since she was just a baby,...

/ December 15, 2017

Self care part 2

In part two, the thread of self-care continues with some ideas about control, choices, and saying yes. In this two-part blog, I talk about self-care as not being a ‘one-shot deal’- it is more a bunch of little things repeated time and time again to ensure that you are at your peak. In part one, I talked about ideas about...

/ December 10, 2017

Self Care

Self-care is one of those trendy ideas right now. It’s a funny mix with people who are ‘typically Kiwi’, and are ‘just getting on with it’, and for the most part that’s ok. But, sometimes it’s not. Leading up to Christmas, I find it an ideal time to reflect on what I can manage, and what I have to do...

/ December 10, 2017
christmas lights

Putting the love into Christmas

What do you want your children to remember about family Christmases? The world is a pretty diverse place so Christmas will mean lots of different things to us, but I bet your list has ‘love’ on it, and something about having a lovely time together. The reality for lots of parents, of course, is that as well as all that...

/ November 21, 2017