Tag: Te Whariki

Evaluation and compliance in New Zealand ECE services
New tools to help with evaluation and compliance for New Zealand learning services We regularly hear from educators and educational leaders that you wish you had more time! You spend a lot of your time reading regulatory documents and guides and figuring out ways to implement the requirements that ensure you provide a quality early learning environment for your children...

The planning feature on Storypark – so many possibilities
The planning feature on Storypark – what’s possible? More than you may think! After listening to educators around the world, we realised that everyone plans differently and that there could be no one-size-fits-all solution. Based on this feedback we developed a tool that enables educators to create and manage their own planning templates, and plan the way they want. The...

Documentation and the image of the child through a Reggio lens
When the term documentation is discussed amongst early childhood educators there is often a feeling of fear…a pause in time where professionals stop and hold their breath, the angst of the topic written clearly all over their face. What feeds this feeling in professionals and can we find some grounding through exploring the Reggio way of documentation? Looking abroad The...

The new Te Whāriki in a nutshell part 2
There were five practices the Ministry of Education wants to develop further through the revamp of Te Whāriki. A rich curriculum for every child, a focus on learning that matters here, affirming of identity, language, and culture, parents, and whānau engaged in their children’s learning, and, personalised pathways to school and kura. Let’s have a deeper look at these five...

The New Te Whāriki in a nutshell.
Te Whāriki has been out for a while now, and the revised version since May 2017. So it’s time that we take a look back on the initial conversation at the launch and re-familiarise ourselves with the intent of the update. Initially, there were lots of conversations about what was left out and what the point of updating was. It...

Embracing a vision for children’s learning with the early years frameworks
When using the Early Years Learning Framework always remember… That it is just that – a framework. It’s not a syllabus, nor a program, not a curriculum, nor a model, neither is it an assessment tool. Above all, it is not a detailed description of everything children will learn. A framework is developed on sound Principles, Practices (Strands – Goals)...