Category: Storypark
News and product updates from us here Storypark

How Storypark AI has been designed to help educators safeguard children’s data
Storypark AI is here and we are excited to harness the strengths of artificial intelligence (AI) while providing a set of considered, safe tools specifically designed for ECE. In creating a set of principles to guide the impact of any AI tools we create, a commitment to protecting children’s data as well as openness and honesty was always going to be...

Three key takeaways from our artificial intelligence in ECE webinar
We recently joined Katie Dowle, Storypark’s Chief Customer Officer and Sharon Carlson, Head of Pedagogy in an engaging conversation about where to begin with artificial intelligence (AI) in ECE. Over the last year, both Katie and Sharon have been speaking with a diverse group of educators and leaders about the use of AI in ECE as well as engaging with...

End of Year Tips
End-of-Year Educator Tips Wow, it’s getting to the end of the year already. Congratulations on all of your hard work! We hope you and your families enjoy using Storypark at your service. We’ve put together some handy tips and information to continue to make things as easy as possible for you throughout the holiday season. Note: If your learning service...

What is the place of AI in ECE? Unpicking common concerns from educators
You might have heard that Storypark has been thinking a lot about artificial intelligence (AI) and its place in early childhood education lately. If the conversations we’ve been having and the discussions we’ve been seeing across the sector are anything to go by, you are too! With the pace that AI has leapt forward over the past year, you might...

Exploring AI in Early Childhood Education: Our Considered Approach
We’ve been thinking a lot about artificial intelligence (AI) lately. Not just because it’s a hot topic, but because we’re always looking for ways to better support our early learning communities across New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and beyond — and we believe the technological leaps in the AI space shouldn’t be ignored. Our approach as always, is to work closely...

Part two: What are the steps to data-informed decision making in ECE?
Welcome back to the series on data-based decision making in ECE! We’re looking at how data and analysis coupled with our own professional intuition and insight can inform better decision making in early childhood education. (Missed part one? Check it out here). In utilising data-informed decision making to tackle childcare problems, Ernst and Young, highlight its importance, “comparable to finding...

Part one: What are the benefits of data-informed decision making in ECE?
Welcome to the series on data-informed decision making in ECE! We’re looking at how data and analysis coupled with our own professional intuition and insight can inform better decision making in early childhood education. Data-informed decision making is simply leveraging data such as parent feedback, ECE market trends, educator and services’ performance, and financials to guide the process of making...

Welcoming parents and families with Storypark
As we return to work with fresh energy and inspiration for an exciting year ahead, now is a great time to prepare for a thoughtful and stress-free welcome for children, parents and families as they return or start their journey with your early learning service. This blog post shares some of the most successful tips and techniques practised by leading...

Top Tips for Welcoming New Educators
Top Tips for Welcoming New Educators We all know what it’s like to learn something new, a new sport, a new recipe – how about new digital documentation software? When you have a guide, it can be that much easier! We’ve crafted some handy resources to get your new educators onboard. We also know that each service uses Storypark in...

Story types: Consistently create quality documentation
If one of your goals is for your educators and centre is to deliver high-quality documentation consistently, then story types are a key tool to support your achieving this. Story types are customisable prompts – or scaffolds – that help guide and inspire educators to create meaningful, quality stories. Story types are especially useful to guide and help educators gain...