Tag: Artificial Intelligence

How Storypark AI has been designed to help educators safeguard children’s data

Storypark AI is here and we are excited to harness the strengths of artificial intelligence (AI) while providing a set of considered, safe tools specifically designed for ECE. In creating a set of principles to guide the impact of any AI tools we create, a commitment to protecting children’s data as well as openness and honesty was always going to be...

/ February 26, 2025

Putting our AI Commitments into action: Storypark AI is coming in March

This past year at Storypark, alongside many of the ECE organisations and services we partner with, we have been researching and exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) tools. As a result of this journey, we are very excited to get closer to introducing Storypark AI to educators, managers and leaders as a set of tools specifically designed for ECE....

/ February 19, 2025

The framework helping Sharon from Storypark navigate AI literacy

Today’s digital landscape and the many different tools we now have available to us in ECE, brings to mind the saying “it’s tough to keep up with new technology and be a change agent”. There’s a sense that not only do we have to comprehensively understand tools like artificial intelligence (AI) but also need to be implementing them at the...

/ November 6, 2024

What is the place of AI in ECE? Unpicking common concerns from educators

You might have heard that Storypark has been thinking a lot about artificial intelligence (AI) and its place in early childhood education lately. If the conversations we’ve been having and the discussions we’ve been seeing across the sector are anything to go by, you are too! With the pace that AI has leapt forward over the past year, you might...

/ October 9, 2024

Asking questions about the use of AI in early childhood education: Creating your AI policy

Early childhood education is easily one of the best spaces to ask questions and be curious. We are continually inspired not only by children, who explore their world with creativity and diligence by asking “Why?” but also by educators and practitioners who hone their practice through critical thinking and feedback. Daniel Wahl, in his book, Redesigning Generative Cultures says, “The...

/ September 11, 2024

Exploring AI in Early Childhood Education: Our Considered Approach

We’ve been thinking a lot about artificial intelligence (AI) lately. Not just because it’s a hot topic, but because we’re always looking for ways to better support our early learning communities across New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and beyond — and we believe the technological leaps in the AI space shouldn’t be ignored. Our approach as always, is to work closely...

/ August 28, 2024