This past year at Storypark, alongside many of the ECE organisations and services we partner with, we have been researching and exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) tools.

As a result of this journey, we are very excited to get closer to introducing Storypark AI to educators, managers and leaders as a set of tools specifically designed for ECE. Early on, it was clear regarding AI, that just like the rest of Storypark tools, educators need custom, purpose built tools. Tools that don’t minimise the unique operational or ethical considerations of the sector and that respect the professional intuition and insight of early childhood educators. During the research and design phases many questions were explored, “What is the place of AI in ECE?” “How can AI be a partner and assistant rather than just a time saving tool?” and “What challenges facing the sector are best addressed by AI’s strengths?” to call out a few.

Before Storypark AI is available, looking at the evidence that Storypark’s Responsible AI Commitments have carried through into the tools helps to understand why it’s a set of tools worthy of consideration by ECE service providers.

Commitment one: We commit to a collaborative and community-centric approach

People have been, and always will be, at the centre of education. The first Storypark AI tools soon available to educators have been tested, used and considered by a group of enthusiastic early access, ‘beta’ educators as well as our expert pedagogical team (which include AI lovers to AI skeptics) in order to make them more than just ‘ECE appropriate.’ Rather, this special group has meant educators can share invaluable feedback on the challenges they want AI to assist with and importantly those they do not.

A collaborative approach also means we don’t stop listening, learning and reflecting. Hearing from educators using Storypark AI will continue to be important, so we’ve added options for educators to give feedback in the moment. As you use the tools, you can give feedback directly without leaving Storypark. Whether that’s general feedback on the usefulness of the tools, or a suggestion for something new you’d like to see added in future, it all helps us to shape the tools to your needs.

To us, a community-centric approach also means Storypark AI will always be opt-in. This means that educators and leaders can make a considered choice in how and when to use the tools, and that they’re well supported if they do want to make that choice. We’ve also developed a free guide for services looking to approach the adoption of AI tools that helps them to think through change and the best way to support diverse teaching teams.

Commitment two: We commit to supporting quality practice

Saving time and creating efficiencies for educators doesn’t have to be synonymous with cutting corners or ‘just getting the job done.’ At Storypark we’ve always championed quality practice in early childhood education, similarly we believe the use of any AI like Storypark AI should enable you to do and understand more, in less time, without compromise.

Many services have shared how they want to reduce the overwhelm for their educators when it comes to creating quality documentation. With Storypark AI, we wanted to help lessen anxiety over being judged by a peer or leader for simple mistakes (we all make them!) by providing ‘in the moment,’ unbiased support, whilst also lifting confidence and knowledge over time.

Careful consideration has been given to how documentation is a crucial window or “means to learn about how children think and learn.”

One feature of Storypark AI, story review, provides pedagogically aligned guidance and suggestions with the story editor to mentor, coach and support the author in developing their story skills and confidence. Authors can pause and reflect on potential additions to their documentation whilst still using their unique voice, and making way for their unequaled insight into a child’s learning and development.

We believe a part of quality practice is letting educators’ professional insight and intuition continue to shine, utilising AI where its key strengths lie, like simple text analysis. Educators know children best, and the history and context of the learning taking place.

Ready to explore AI as part of your own practice?

Introducing Storypark AI is available to watch on demand – where you can see the tools for yourself, as well as gaining best practice tips for safe, successful implementation.

Posted by Bernadette

Bernadette is part of the Storypark team. One of her earliest memories at kindergarten is declaring to the class that reading was too hard so she wasn't going to learn - whoops! She really enjoys helping educators and families get the most out of Storypark.

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