Month: May 2018

Better Books: Grandparents and Grandchildren

What kinds of families do the children in your early childhood centre or local community live in?   If everyone you know has just a mum, a dad, and children, in their house, then they will find themselves well represented in children’s literature. But if they have any other pattern, you’ll have to make an extra effort to make sure...

/ May 28, 2018
baby first steps

Baby’s First Steps: Early Walkers vs Late Walkers

Baby’s first steps: The early walker vs the late walker You’ve been waiting for your baby’s first steps. You’ve coaxed and encouraged and cheered him on from the sidelines. But at ten months, his preferred travel option is still the belly scoot. He’s a great little scooter, but you’d really love some footage of him learning to walk. After all,...

/ May 7, 2018